Test Requirements to Road Test
What You Need for Your Road Test
For Teens (Ages 16 and Older):
- Valid Texas Learner’s Permit.
- DE-964 certificate for completing a Texas Driver Education Course.
- Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) certificate (dated within 90 days before the test).
- Proof of vehicle insurance and a properly maintained car for the test. Or use our school car at no additional charge.
- A Parent or legal guardian.
- Social Security Card
- A properly filled out Texas 30-Hour log sheet signed by the parent. It is available here https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/driver/files/Texas%2030-Hour%20Behind-the-Wheel%20Log.pdf
For Adults (Ages 18-24):
- If the adult (18 0r older) completed a teen driver ed program, then they must have a teen impact certificate and a DE964 For Drivers License Only form.
- Valid Texas Learner’s Permit (Texas B Restricted drivers license).
- ADE-1317. certificate for completing a Texas Driver Education Course.
- Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITYD) certificate (dated within 90 days before the test).
- Social Security Card
- Proof of vehicle insurance and a properly maintained car for the test. Or use our school car at no additional charge.
For Adults (Ages 25 and Older):
- Valid Texas Learner’s Permit (Texas B restricted drivers license).
- Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITYD) certificate (within 90 days of testing).
- Driver education recommended (but not mandatory for first-time applicants).
- Social Security Card
- Proof of vehicle insurance and a properly maintained car for the test. Or use our school car at no additional charge.
Texas Impact Video Certificate: I have printed out my Texas Impact Video Certificate and will bring it to my road test. The Texas Impact Video certificate must correspond with the course completed. For instance, if you took the teen course, you must watch the teen impact video. If you took an adult class or are older than 24, you must watch the adult impact video.
Road Tests Under the Age of 25: For road tests under the age of 25, I confirm that I possess my Texas B Restricted License and DE 964 for Drivers License Only (teens) or my ADEE (adult 6-hour course completion certificate) and an unexpired Texas B-Restricted license. I will bring these documents printed to my appointment.
Road Tests for Individuals Aged 18 and Older: For road tests for individuals aged 18 and older, I confirm that I possess an unexpired Texas B-Restricted License and will bring it to the road test.
Road Tests for Individuals Aged 25 and Older (Adult Impact Video): For road tests for individuals aged 25 and older, I confirm that I have an unexpired Texas B-Restricted License and have watched the Adult Impact Video. I will bring both documents printed to my test.
Documentation and Rescheduling Fee: I agree that if I fail to bring the correct documentation, am late, or cancel my appointment without a 24-hour notice, I will pay a $35 rescheduling fee to set another appointment.
Grace Period: I am aware that I have a 5-minute grace period to arrive for my road test.
Payment and Additional Attempt: By scheduling this road test, I agree to pay $70, acknowledge that there are no refunds if I fail, and I am entitled to one additional attempt. This second attempt must be completed within 90 days.
Cancellation Fee: If I need to cancel prior to my appointment date, I agree that a $35 processing fee will be deducted from my refund.
No Refunds for Late Arrivals or Incorrect Documentation: I understand that there are no refunds for late arrivals or failure to provide the correct documentation.
Paperwork Printing: I agree that I will have my paperwork printed at the time of my appointment. I am aware that Drive Smart does not print paperwork for me.
Texas Issued License Requirement: I must have a Texas-issued license; an out-of-state license is not acceptable. I understand that I must have a valid (unexpired) Texas learners permit or Texas B-Restricted drivers license.
Vehicle Damage Waiver: Drive Smart Driving School is not responsible for any damages to an individual’s vehicle if it is used during the road test. The vehicle owner assumes all risks associated with its use, including any potential damage that may occur during the test. By opting to use their own vehicle, the individual acknowledges and agrees to this waiver of liability.